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The Shahnameh in Under 60 Seconds is my first animated project in After Effects. It is the culmination of a semester long motion design course. Much of the knowledge and techniques learnt here continue to inform me today.


I chose a topic very close to my heart, The Shahnameh, a 10th century Persian epic about the Iranian kings and their champions. My assignment was to create a 1 minute explainer video about the 50,000 line poem. Beyond that, my personal goal was to excite people to read the book for themselves by animating its most famous scenes.


It was a massive endeavor for an After Effects beginner. I think I spent nearly 12 hours a day in the computer lab for a week working on it. Sometimes it was exhausting, but ultimately very rewarding to watch it back for the first time. For someone with no prior artistic background, I felt very proud.


For the majority of the project's designs I traced and intepretetd Persian miniature and rock reliefs. This was before I started practicing sketching. Once I had the characters created in Illustrator I animated them in After Effects and added the backgrounds later. Some foreground elements like the wheat seen on the left were added in After Effects as well. I used puppet pins to make them sway in the wind, despite not knowing anything about rigging at the time. It a time of great experimentation.

After the intial scene, I still had other famous scenes from the Shahanmeh that I wanted to portray, but making more characters would take too long. So I implied them through the use of symbols and specific close ups. I crafted each shot in a manner so that an audience could infer what might be happening off camera from information presented on camera. I still use this technique today.


Many of the visuals and principles I developed in this project were imported into my fully fledged Shahnameh film, Soul and Wisdom: The Life of Ferdowsi. Without this expierment, I'm not sure I could have completed the latter.

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